Veterinary ServicesPet Dental Care

At Carver Lake Veterinary Center in Woodbury, MN, we offer pet dental care services designed to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy, helping them to enjoy a long and comfortable life.

Importance of Pet Dental Care

Pet dental care is more than just keeping your pet’s teeth clean; it is a vital aspect of their overall health. Dental disease is one of the most common health issues in pets, and it can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and affect vital organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, leading to more severe health problems.

Regular dental check-ups and cleanings help prevent these issues by removing plaque and tartar buildup, which are the primary causes of dental disease. By maintaining good oral hygiene, you can help your pet avoid painful conditions and improve their quality of life.

a small brown dog sitting on top of a desk

Dental Examinations

Regular dental examinations are essential for detecting early signs of dental disease. During a dental exam, our veterinarians will carefully examine your pet’s teeth, gums, and oral cavity to identify any potential issues. This allows us to catch problems early and provide prompt treatment, preventing them from progressing into more serious conditions.

Professional Dental Cleaning

Professional dental cleanings are essential for maintaining your pet’s oral health. These cleanings involve removing plaque and tartar buildup from your pet’s teeth, particularly in areas that are difficult to reach with regular brushing. During the cleaning, your pet will be placed under anesthesia to ensure their comfort and safety. This allows us to perform a thorough cleaning, including scaling and polishing the teeth and addressing any dental issues that may be present.

Dental X-Rays

Dental X-rays are often used to get a more detailed view of your pet’s oral health. These X-rays help us identify issues beneath the gum line, such as tooth root abscesses, bone loss, or other conditions that may not be visible during a regular examination. Dental X-rays are a valuable tool in diagnosing and treating dental problems early before they become more severe.

Treatment of Dental Diseases

If your pet is diagnosed with a dental disease, our Carver Lake Veterinary Center team will develop a tailored treatment plan to address the issue. Treatment may include tooth extractions, antibiotics, or other interventions to manage pain and infection. We aim to restore your pet’s oral health and prevent further complications.

When to Seek Dental Care for Your Pet

Knowing when to seek dental care for your pet is crucial for maintaining their health. Regular dental check-ups are recommended, but there are also specific signs that indicate your pet may need immediate dental attention:

  • Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath can be a sign of dental disease.
  • Difficulty Eating: If your pet is having trouble chewing or seems to be in pain while eating, it could indicate a dental issue.
  • Swollen or Bleeding Gums: These are signs of gum disease, which can lead to more serious problems if untreated.
  • Loose or Missing Teeth: This can be a sign of advanced dental disease that requires prompt treatment.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to schedule an appointment with our veterinary team as soon as possible.

Preventive Dental Care at Home

In addition to professional dental care, preventive measures at home can significantly contribute to your pet’s oral health. Regular brushing of your pet’s teeth using pet-specific toothpaste can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup. Providing dental chews and toys designed to promote oral health can also be beneficial. Our team can provide guidance on the best practices for at-home dental care and recommend products that support your pet’s dental hygiene.